Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Things Obama Could Do To Make Me Happy - Part 5

I know, I know, you thought we were done with
this, and I did, too, but I received a request for
yet another "in the series".  You have to admit,
there's been plenty of "material" over the last
7 months or so for at least 1 more!  Here goes.

Obama might make me happy if he would:

l.   Make me Manager of his campaign committee.

2.  Tell us who his Chicago real estate agent is.  (Tony Rezko?)

3.  Admit to being Michelle's "fashion consultant".

4.  Tell us his favorite "name" for G.W.

5.  Give us his Muslim name.

6.  Tell us "what's in his wallet"?  A picture of me?

7.  Run for "president" - of Kenya!

8.  Let me write the "forward" to his next book.

9.  Show us his "college diplomas", unless they're with his B.C.

10.  Tell us Michelle's measurements - in case we want to send gifts.

11.  State what time you start work each day - I heard it was 10AM.

12.  Give us the name of his "favorite" at the Chicago "bath house".

13.  Say what his favorite "color" is - Pink?  Red?

14.  Reveal the name of his Columbian "girlfriend".

15.  Volunteer for the next Russian space shot.

16.  Give me the $1 million that he won't return to Bill Maher.

17.  Tell us which Goodwill store Michelle shops at.

18.  Fight me in an MMA bout.

19.  Tell us, if he's reelected, how long before he declares himself "King"?

20.  State how many times in his life that he's "told the truth"!  (He won't
       have to take his shoes off for this one!)

21.  Show us his "limbo" moves - we know he can "get LOW".

22.  Recite as much of the Koran as he knows by heart.

23.  Tell us how many men he's been with, not counting Mr. Sinclair.

24.  Tell us how much his daughter's Mexico trip cost US!

25.  Being a golfer, state his "handicap", and I don't mean Biden.

26.  Give us his plans if he should lose the election - turn golf pro?

27.  Report why Hillary Clinton is looking "so haggard".

28.  Show us your "report cards" from high school and college - unless
       they're "lost" with your B.C. and diplomas.

29.  Tell us what Muslim stories you read to the girls at night.  (Are
       they "scary"?)

30.  As always, the last one is for you, the reader -

THAT'S ALL FOLKS!  (for now)     

Monday, April 9, 2012


With our country in such a turmoil over
so many issues, some have posed the
question, "How did Obama get elected?"

Technically, he got "in" because the larger
percentage of voters checked his name,
rather than his opponents'.  Then, of course,
as the U.S. Constitution requires, the
"Electoral College" confirmed the "popular"
vote and made his election "official".

BUT the question that bears scrutiny and
begs intelligent answers, is still "How did
Barack Hussein Obama" manage to get
the votes that he did, and win the Presidency
of the United States?"


1.  He got the majority of the "black" vote
because of his skin color.

2.  He was a "fresh face" in national
politics, exciting a portion of the electorate.

3.  He had not been in government long
enough for us to "have the goods on him",
despite no record of accomplishments.

4.  His physical appearance was that of
one who was youthful and fit.

5.  His oratorical skills were some of the
"best"  any of us had ever given audience to.

6.  Finances for his campaign came from
George Soros, other countries, and many
"mysterious donors", whose identities
are still held secret, illegally.

7.  The McCain campaign made the
"calculated risk" of selecting a virtual
unknown and untested running mate.

8.  He had "credentials", supposedly, from
some of our country's prestigious colleges.

9.  There were (and still are) fraudelent
activities in many polling places, some of
which are just now "coming to light", and
others under investigation.

10.  Many, minorities especially, who had
never voted before (and a large number of
those hadn't even registered before) were
anxious and eager to "be a part of history".

11.  He had the "support" of Ghadaffi,
Farrakhan, Wright, Jackson, Sharpton, etc.,
whose influences made him electable.

12.  Some Americans, who were uninformed,
and lacking critical details, wanted to
"get back at George Bush's party".

13.  Accusations abound of "multiple votes"
by individuals, and "votes" by those who
were deceased.

14.  Union bosses (thugs) and memberships
intimidated their constituents to "direct
their votes in his direction, "or else".....

15.  "Power plays" behind the scenes kept
other potential candidates from being
successful or even considered for nominee.

16.  Those of Jewish faith and heritage
failed to see the danger of choosing a
Muslim as their country's leader.

17.  He received the endorsements of
both "The Communist Party of America"
and "The Socialist Party of America",
and he disavowed neither endorsement!

18.  "Last, but surely not 'least'", are the
many PROMISES that he made while
campaigning, many of which he had to
know, and we should have known, he
would never be able to keep.

19.  Then, of course, there were those
who said "How bad could he be?", or
"How much harm coule he do?"  Humph.

There may be other contributing factors to
"Why and how was Obama elected", but
these WERE, and sadly MAY STILL BE
the major factors for Barry Soetero
"squatting" in our White House for 3+ years,