Hi, Barry! Good morning! How are you today? Terrible, I hope.
Do you know me? Yep, I'm that old blogger-guy from Pittsburgh
who's always puttin' you down. You know, the one who disses
you daily on Facebook, and everywhere else that I can. Now you
remember? Thought so. That's me that the gang talks about now
and then in your Security Council meetings. Yep, that's me.
Are you angry yet? I know that the things that I've said aren't
very complimentary - not complimentary at all, but my Momma
always taught me to speak truthfully, so, in all due respect to her,
(you had a Mammy, too, right?), I always try to be honest and
truthful. Not you? Huh? Really? You've discovered that if you
lie and only tell half-truths that you can "get ahead" in life? Really?
I would never have thought that of you (NOT!). Well, maybe just
a little. Have you EVER told the truth - about ANYTHING? By
accident once or twice, hey? Oh, I see now. 'Sfunny how that
sometimes the TRUTH justs "outs" before you can stop yourself
from sayin' it, isn't it? Funny. NOT.
So seriously, just between "enemies", how's that "presidential
thing" workin' out fer ya? Having a blast? I know you're "better
half", what's-her-name, Moochelle is having "the-time-of-her-life",
hey? Where's her next vacation destination? Just between us, if
you manage to steal the next election on November 6th, 2012,
does she have her itinerary planned out for the next 4 years of
"goodwill ambassador" trips? Are there places on the globe that
she and the girls really want to visit but haven't had enough time
this first term to "squeeze in"?
Speaking of Mrs. Obama, WHY do you let her dress the way she
does? Seriously, Barry, have you no control over her? I know
you said the other day that she "doesn't go all the way down",
(whatever you were implying by that?), but as a pseudo-Christian,
you are supposed to be the "head of the household"! You didn't
get that far in the Bible? It's in there. Trust me, I've read it all a
few times, and "it's in there". Just WHO is the "boss" in the
White House? Valerie Jarrett? I've heard that. Does Valerie
also dis-coordinate Michelle's wardrobe? If so, you need to FIRE
her and get a new fashion consultant. Seriously.
Let's change subjects. I knew you'd like that idea!
How do you feel about your administration FAILING? You've
got members coming to fisticuffs just this week, others planning to
leave you, as some have already done, and more vitriole and dirt
being thrown out (up) than any other administration in our "great
country's history"! THAT HURTS, doesn't it, when I say things
like "our great country"? Too bad. The United States of America
is the GREATEST country every established by God and its
founders in the history of the world!! What? You disagree. I'm
not surprised.
To those of us who have "half a brain", it's clear that you have an
agenda that's intended to destroy this great Democratic Republic of
ours (not yours, as you were born "elsewhere"). WHY? What's
your "beef" with America? Is it "your beef", or someone elses?
Are you "living your mother's and father's dreams" to bring America
to her knees? Does George Soros OWN so much of you that you
"jump" every time he "pulls your strings"? Do you really think for
one moment that YOU AND YOUR DEMON-COMRADES will
be successful in totally transforming America to a "dictatorship",
with you as the "Founding Czar"? Seriously?
COME ON, BARRY, let's be honest with each other, can we?
You are EVIL. You don't give a hind's tit about our freedoms and
liberty and justice, etc., do you? Does it make you "bristle" when
STATES OF AMERICA? Does it? Seriously, does it? Thought so.
You got a better plan? The Communist Manifesto? The sayings of
Chairman Mao? Too bad, it's going to be our Constitution long after
you're "history", which will be soon. Hallelujah!
You like the idea of POWER AND WEALTH to the few, and total
subservience from the masses, don't you? Where did you get those
ideas? From you Marxist professors at Occidental, Columbia, and
Harvard? Thought so. You know what that makes you, don't you -
A MISFIT!! Seriously, Barry, you "don't fit" here! Hasn't it occured
to you that you're "different" than most of the rest of us who are
"true Americans"? WE LOVE OUR COUNTRY! It's painfully
obvious that you don't. Why you ain't even got the balls to say our
"Pledge of Allegiance" to our flag, or to honor our National Anthem!
Your words, and I quote you, were "I don't want to take sides." WTH?
Our founders' idea and ideal of "A DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC"
has served us quite well for over 235 years, and we're not about to
let an "insurgent immigrant" change that for us. WE WILL NOT!
Do yourself a favor, and do one, too, for your "handlers" - DO NOT
We have taken too much time waiting for our "elected leaders" to
take to the fore and lead the charge to REMOVE YOU FROM OFFICE,
and WE WILL NOT WAIT MUCH LONGER!! November 6th is
your "overdue date", if you get my drift. Seriously, Barry, start
packing NOW, as you're going to be displaced soon - very soon.
Many of us want you back in Kenya, where you kinfolk and "ilk"
are. You'd fit right in there - with the rest of the despots and demons.
I wouldn't wish you on Indonesia, and certainly not on the fine folk
of "paradise", ie. Hawaii, WHERE YOU WERE NOT BORN!
Seriously, Barry, how long did you think you could "pull that one
off"? THE GIG IS UP!
You are "going DOWN in history" as the most irrelevant president
(I hate using that term when speaking about you) in our nation's
history! Yes, I said "irrelevant"! How does that hurt you? A lot,
I hope. Talk about the traditional "square peg in a round hole", you
perfectly personify that figure of speech. SAD things are going to
be written about you when you're "gone" (can't be too soon), and
in fact, if I had my way, your term of office would be DELETED
from America's history. Gone. Vanished. Forgotten, except for
the invaluable lesson that hopefully most of us will have learned
by ever allowing you onto our political landscape.
So other than that, Barry, "buddy", how's your day really going?
How do you feel? Sad? Lonely? Misunderstood? Frustrated?
Defeated? Downtrodden? All of the above, and more? Good!
Just think, if you're able to, about what you've done to so many
of our wonderful citizens, including THOSE WHO BELIEVED
WERE SINCERE!! Oops, my bad, you "have been sincere",
haven't you, just about the WRONG THINGS! Sad.
Seriously, Barry, what are your plans for the family after next
January? Just curious. PLEASE don't move to Pittsburgh!
PLEASE! We're actually doing just fine without you. I know
that's a "hard pill to swallow", BUT IT'S TRUE. The only real
concern that we have right now is watching your fellow-Muslims
and their activities that could lead to problems in our streets.
But don't worry, we're "on top of that", too.
BE GOVERNED BY SHARIA!! Take your Koran and "shove it"
you-know-where!! Seriously, Barry, that book is "unholy" and
evil, and there's no way that we'll allow ourselves to live by its
ungodly teachings. Does that offend you? I DON'T CARE!
I should close now. It was nice visiting with you. I could go on
and on, but perhaps another time. Since we haven't had a chance
to really express ourselves to each other, I appreciate this time
I could "let my feelings out". Thanks. Seriously, thanks. I hope
you are offended by the things that I've said, and I hope you know
that millions of others feel the same way about YOU and the
issues I've addressed. Seriously, WE WANT YOU - GONE!!
Have a great day here in OUR "United States of America", and
give my words a lot of "serious" thought. You really should
start packing your things NOW! And make sure that you only
pack "your things"! Don't steal from us as the Clintons did.
Oops, did I say that? True. Seriously, true.
Seriously and Patriotically, Bill.
P.S. - I've already issued a request to have the bust of
Winston Churchill returned to our White House. It'll be here
soon after you're gone next January. Thanks for nothing.
Do you know me? Yep, I'm that old blogger-guy from Pittsburgh
who's always puttin' you down. You know, the one who disses
you daily on Facebook, and everywhere else that I can. Now you
remember? Thought so. That's me that the gang talks about now
and then in your Security Council meetings. Yep, that's me.
Are you angry yet? I know that the things that I've said aren't
very complimentary - not complimentary at all, but my Momma
always taught me to speak truthfully, so, in all due respect to her,
(you had a Mammy, too, right?), I always try to be honest and
truthful. Not you? Huh? Really? You've discovered that if you
lie and only tell half-truths that you can "get ahead" in life? Really?
I would never have thought that of you (NOT!). Well, maybe just
a little. Have you EVER told the truth - about ANYTHING? By
accident once or twice, hey? Oh, I see now. 'Sfunny how that
sometimes the TRUTH justs "outs" before you can stop yourself
from sayin' it, isn't it? Funny. NOT.
So seriously, just between "enemies", how's that "presidential
thing" workin' out fer ya? Having a blast? I know you're "better
half", what's-her-name, Moochelle is having "the-time-of-her-life",
hey? Where's her next vacation destination? Just between us, if
you manage to steal the next election on November 6th, 2012,
does she have her itinerary planned out for the next 4 years of
"goodwill ambassador" trips? Are there places on the globe that
she and the girls really want to visit but haven't had enough time
this first term to "squeeze in"?
Speaking of Mrs. Obama, WHY do you let her dress the way she
does? Seriously, Barry, have you no control over her? I know
you said the other day that she "doesn't go all the way down",
(whatever you were implying by that?), but as a pseudo-Christian,
you are supposed to be the "head of the household"! You didn't
get that far in the Bible? It's in there. Trust me, I've read it all a
few times, and "it's in there". Just WHO is the "boss" in the
White House? Valerie Jarrett? I've heard that. Does Valerie
also dis-coordinate Michelle's wardrobe? If so, you need to FIRE
her and get a new fashion consultant. Seriously.
Let's change subjects. I knew you'd like that idea!
How do you feel about your administration FAILING? You've
got members coming to fisticuffs just this week, others planning to
leave you, as some have already done, and more vitriole and dirt
being thrown out (up) than any other administration in our "great
country's history"! THAT HURTS, doesn't it, when I say things
like "our great country"? Too bad. The United States of America
is the GREATEST country every established by God and its
founders in the history of the world!! What? You disagree. I'm
not surprised.
To those of us who have "half a brain", it's clear that you have an
agenda that's intended to destroy this great Democratic Republic of
ours (not yours, as you were born "elsewhere"). WHY? What's
your "beef" with America? Is it "your beef", or someone elses?
Are you "living your mother's and father's dreams" to bring America
to her knees? Does George Soros OWN so much of you that you
"jump" every time he "pulls your strings"? Do you really think for
one moment that YOU AND YOUR DEMON-COMRADES will
be successful in totally transforming America to a "dictatorship",
with you as the "Founding Czar"? Seriously?
COME ON, BARRY, let's be honest with each other, can we?
You are EVIL. You don't give a hind's tit about our freedoms and
liberty and justice, etc., do you? Does it make you "bristle" when
STATES OF AMERICA? Does it? Seriously, does it? Thought so.
You got a better plan? The Communist Manifesto? The sayings of
Chairman Mao? Too bad, it's going to be our Constitution long after
you're "history", which will be soon. Hallelujah!
You like the idea of POWER AND WEALTH to the few, and total
subservience from the masses, don't you? Where did you get those
ideas? From you Marxist professors at Occidental, Columbia, and
Harvard? Thought so. You know what that makes you, don't you -
A MISFIT!! Seriously, Barry, you "don't fit" here! Hasn't it occured
to you that you're "different" than most of the rest of us who are
"true Americans"? WE LOVE OUR COUNTRY! It's painfully
obvious that you don't. Why you ain't even got the balls to say our
"Pledge of Allegiance" to our flag, or to honor our National Anthem!
Your words, and I quote you, were "I don't want to take sides." WTH?
Our founders' idea and ideal of "A DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC"
has served us quite well for over 235 years, and we're not about to
let an "insurgent immigrant" change that for us. WE WILL NOT!
Do yourself a favor, and do one, too, for your "handlers" - DO NOT
We have taken too much time waiting for our "elected leaders" to
take to the fore and lead the charge to REMOVE YOU FROM OFFICE,
and WE WILL NOT WAIT MUCH LONGER!! November 6th is
your "overdue date", if you get my drift. Seriously, Barry, start
packing NOW, as you're going to be displaced soon - very soon.
Many of us want you back in Kenya, where you kinfolk and "ilk"
are. You'd fit right in there - with the rest of the despots and demons.
I wouldn't wish you on Indonesia, and certainly not on the fine folk
of "paradise", ie. Hawaii, WHERE YOU WERE NOT BORN!
Seriously, Barry, how long did you think you could "pull that one
off"? THE GIG IS UP!
You are "going DOWN in history" as the most irrelevant president
(I hate using that term when speaking about you) in our nation's
history! Yes, I said "irrelevant"! How does that hurt you? A lot,
I hope. Talk about the traditional "square peg in a round hole", you
perfectly personify that figure of speech. SAD things are going to
be written about you when you're "gone" (can't be too soon), and
in fact, if I had my way, your term of office would be DELETED
from America's history. Gone. Vanished. Forgotten, except for
the invaluable lesson that hopefully most of us will have learned
by ever allowing you onto our political landscape.
So other than that, Barry, "buddy", how's your day really going?
How do you feel? Sad? Lonely? Misunderstood? Frustrated?
Defeated? Downtrodden? All of the above, and more? Good!
Just think, if you're able to, about what you've done to so many
of our wonderful citizens, including THOSE WHO BELIEVED
WERE SINCERE!! Oops, my bad, you "have been sincere",
haven't you, just about the WRONG THINGS! Sad.
Seriously, Barry, what are your plans for the family after next
January? Just curious. PLEASE don't move to Pittsburgh!
PLEASE! We're actually doing just fine without you. I know
that's a "hard pill to swallow", BUT IT'S TRUE. The only real
concern that we have right now is watching your fellow-Muslims
and their activities that could lead to problems in our streets.
But don't worry, we're "on top of that", too.
BE GOVERNED BY SHARIA!! Take your Koran and "shove it"
you-know-where!! Seriously, Barry, that book is "unholy" and
evil, and there's no way that we'll allow ourselves to live by its
ungodly teachings. Does that offend you? I DON'T CARE!
I should close now. It was nice visiting with you. I could go on
and on, but perhaps another time. Since we haven't had a chance
to really express ourselves to each other, I appreciate this time
I could "let my feelings out". Thanks. Seriously, thanks. I hope
you are offended by the things that I've said, and I hope you know
that millions of others feel the same way about YOU and the
issues I've addressed. Seriously, WE WANT YOU - GONE!!
Have a great day here in OUR "United States of America", and
give my words a lot of "serious" thought. You really should
start packing your things NOW! And make sure that you only
pack "your things"! Don't steal from us as the Clintons did.
Oops, did I say that? True. Seriously, true.
Seriously and Patriotically, Bill.
P.S. - I've already issued a request to have the bust of
Winston Churchill returned to our White House. It'll be here
soon after you're gone next January. Thanks for nothing.
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